30 Cool Shadow Art Examples
Shadow art is a unique form of sculptural art that creates patterns on a wall or canvas using shadows or silhouettes. Using clever and strategic manipulation of space and light, shadows can be manipulated to resemble entirely different shapes from its model. It is a cool art activity at home to entertain your family and friends.
history of jazz shadow art, source
shadow statue made from garbage, source

colourless glass + water + sunshine = shadow art, source
human sculptures using filigree wires, source

question mark, source
tree roots emerge from the ceiling, source
tropical lamp shadow, source
heart-shaped shadow using wedding rings and a simple table , source
heart shaped shadow using glasses, source
dancing shadow artwork by diet wiegman, source
Atlas Off Balance by diet wiegman, source
Misty Eyes by diet wiegman, source
shadow artwork by diet wiegman, source
earth shadow by diet wiegman, source
shadow artwork by diet wiegman, source
recycled box shadow art, source
trash shadow art, source
artwork by rashad alakbarov, source
artwork by rashad alakbarov, source
artwork by rashad alakbarov, source
Plastic Portrait, source
fragments, source
cow, source
child, source
sunset over manhattan, source
the beginning of the end, source
relativity, source
taste the lighter side of dark, source
neo deo, source
a to z, source