20 Cute Clothespin Crafts and Ideas

Clothespins aren’t just for hanging the wash. They are one of the richest sources of inspiration for inexpensive wooden handicrafts. Take a look at these Cute Clothespin Crafts and Ideas. From christmas tree ornaments to DIY clothespin planters, these crafts are excellent choices when working with a group of kids, as they do not require any advanced techniques to be completed. Just grab some old clothespins or buy a new bag and make your own ones.

Cute Clothespin Crafts and Ideas!

DIY christmas reindeer from clothespins.

diy christmas reindeer from clothespins, source

Advent countdown calendar and wreath.

advent countdown calendar and wreath, source

Photo wall display.

photo wall display, source

Recipe card holder.

recipe card holder, source

Wooden clothespin snowflake ornaments.

wooden clothespin snowflake ornaments, source

Kitchen tea wreath.

kitchen tea wreath, source

DIY clothespin planters.

diy clothespin planters, source

DIY picture holder.

diy picture holder, source

Candle holders.

candle holders, source

Clothespin trivet.

clothespin trivet, source

Clothespin cord holder.

clothespin cord holder, source

Clothespin backdrop.

clothespin backdrop, source

Clothespin christmas tree.

clothespin christmas tree, source

Christmas tree from clothespins and buttons.

christmas tree from clothespins and buttons, source

Clothespin lollipop tree.

clothespin lollipop tree, source

DIY clothespin chandelier.

diy clothespin chandelier, source

Day-of-the-week organizers.

day-of-the-week organizers, source

Moveable shark craft.

moveable shark, source

Foosball table.

foosball table, source

Creative ways to say I love you.

creative ways to say I love you, source
See also  Awesome DIY Christmas Tree Topper Ideas & Tutorials


  1. Heather Reply

    What did you use for the center of the clothespin picture frame?

    • Makenzie Reply

      i used a piece of painted carboard

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