Fun Easter Activities and Games for Kids

There are numerous festivities coming along with the Easter holiday. It’s a good time to get together with all your friends and family members for fun. Set up these simple and funny games to enjoy your pleasant time with kids. They can have a ton of fun and benefit a lot from these Easter activities and games.

Fun Easter Activities and Games for Kids!

Word Family Easter Eggs. If your kids have trouble memorizing the words, this would be a funny and helpful Easter activity to learn words. Make a few family eggs with different words. You can make the correct word by spinning the each half of the Easter eggs.

Word Family Easter Eggs. If your kids have trouble memorizing the words, this would be a funny and helpful Easter activity to learn words. Make a few family eggs with different words. You can make the correct word by spinning the each half of the Easter eggs.source

Coin Counting Easter Activity. This will give your kids plenty of practice to count the coins and match them correctly with the written amounts on these Easter eggs.

Coin Counting Easter Activity. This will give your kids plenty of practice to count the coins and match them correctly with the written amounts on these Easter eggs.source

Easter Egg Spoon Balancing Activity. This balancing activity is so funny. Handle a wooden spoon to balance the Easter egg, make sure that you can’t drop the Easter egg. I like this idea for it can train the balance ability for kids.

Easter Egg Spoon Balancing Activity. This balancing activity is so funny. Handle a wooden spoon to balance the Easter egg, make sure that you can’t drop the Easter egg. I like this idea for it can train the balance ability for kids.source

Easter Egg Painting Activity. Add a bit of water paint into the Easter eggs. Make sure that the color of the paint matches with the color of the egg. You can design you painting by cracking open the egg and let the paint ooze out.

Easter Egg Painting Activity. Add a bit of water paint into the Easter eggs. Make sure that the color of the paint matches with the color of the egg. You can design you painting by cracking open the egg and let the paint ooze out.source

Flower toss. Throw colorful pom poms at these flowers and try to get them land in the center of these flowers. It’s a good way to train you shooting ability.

Flower toss. Throw colorful pom poms at these flowers and try to get them land in the center of these flowers. It’s a good way to train you shooting ability.source

Cross Toss. Prepare all the cups in a tray and insert the rolled purple paper to make a cross. Throw all the purple Easter eggs in the purple cups. The kids will surely have fun and they can also improve their shooting accuracy.

Cross Toss. Prepare all the cups in a tray and insert the rolled purple paper to make a cross. Throw all the purple Easter eggs in the purple cups. The kids will surely have fun and they can also improve their shooting accuracy.source

Easter Bunny Cover Up.This is an interesting estimating game, use different sizes of pom poms to cover parts of the bunny’s face. The most challenging part is that you have to estimate how many you need. Just see how close you can be and your estimating skills can be improved in this way.

Easter Bunny Cover Up.This is an interesting estimating game, use different sizes of pom poms to cover parts of the bunny’s face. The most challenging part is that you have to estimate how many you need. Just see how close you can be and your estimating skills can be improved in this way.source

Easter Egg Dominoes Activity. Use a tape or market to divide the cardstock with Easter egg shape in two parts, choose 10 pairs of stickers of different colors. Each pair has the same color. Stick them on cardstock at both sides from the middle line. Select a card and find the matching card with the same stick to go ahead.

Easter Egg Dominoes Activity. Use a tape or market to divide the cardstock with Easter egg shape in two parts, choose 10 pairs of stickers of different colors. Each pair has the same color. Stick them on cardstock at both sides from the middle line. Select a card and find the matching card with the same stick to go ahead.source

Matching Sound Game. Fill the plastic Easter eggs with different materials such as dry pinto beans, small pasta, gems, pom poms, tiny puzzle pieces and pebbles to vary the sounds they make. The kid pick the egg and shake it, then find another one. If sounds the same as the former one, put the pair in the carton side by side. If they have different sound, just leave them off to the side.

Matching Sound Game. Fill the plastic Easter eggs with different materials such as dry pinto beans, small pasta, gems, pom poms, tiny puzzle pieces and pebbles to vary the sounds they make. The kid pick the egg and shake it, then find another one. If sounds the same as the former one, put the pair in the carton side by side. If they have different sound, just leave them off to the side. source

Stacking Easter Egg Game. Stack all the Easter egg halves, the one who make the tallest tower is the winner. Stack all the Easter eggs straight on their bottoms without dropping them.

Stacking Easter Egg Game. Stack all the Easter egg halves, the one who make the tallest tower is the winner. Stack all the Easter eggs straight on their bottoms without dropping them.source

Easter Chalk. Fill the Easter egg with water by taking apart into two sections and close it to trap the water inside. Take the egg out with the hole facing up to prevent the water from leaking and put it in an egg carton. Freeze it overnight. You can write down whatever you like.

Easter Chalk. Fill the Easter egg with water by taking apart into two sections and close it to trap the water inside. Take the egg out with the hole facing up to prevent the water from leaking and put it in an egg carton. Freeze it overnight. You can write down whatever you like.source

Easter Egg Color Matching. Use the kids-friendly chopsticks to grab the pom pom and put it into the Easter egg half of the same color. This simple matching game is a good way to train your motor skills.

Easter Egg Color Matching. Use the kids-friendly chopsticks to grab the pom pom and put it into the Easter egg half of the same color. This simple matching game is a good way to train your motor skills.source

Easter Egg Toss Activity. Divide all the players into groups, with 2 players in each group standing 5 feet apart. Toss the raw egg from one player to another. Continue the game without breaking the eggs. Each player should take one step backward after the successful catching. You win if you are the only team left.

Easter Egg Toss Activity. Divide all the players into groups, with 2 players in each group standing 5 feet apart. Toss the raw egg from one player to another. Continue the game without breaking the eggs. Each player should take one step backward after the successful catching. You win if you are the only team left.source

Easter Bunny Ball Toss Activity. Use a huge carton-box and make it into the Easter bunny shape. Leave a big fan-shaped hole and glue its tongue from red-painted cardboard. Stand five feet from the Easter Bunny carton and throw colorful balls toward it. Count how many balls you can throw in.

Easter Bunny Ball Toss Activity. Use a huge carton-box and make it into the Easter bunny shape. Leave a big fan-shaped hole and glue its tongue from red-painted cardboard. Stand five feet from the Easter Bunny carton and throw colorful balls toward it. Count how many balls you can throw in.source

Pin the Tail on the Bunny. Cut the colorful Easter bunny after printing out. Add the rough side of our Velcro to the bottom of each cute bunny. Ask you kid to add the pom poms for each bunny to make the tail. Make sure that the pom poms have the same color of the bunny.

Pin the Tail on the Bunny. Cut the colorful Easter bunny after printing out. Add the rough side of our Velcro to the bottom of each cute bunny. Ask you kid to add the pom poms for each bunny to make the tail. Make sure that the pom poms have the same color of the bunny.source

Easter Blow Art Painting. Put colorful paints into different containers. Put dabs of paint using a dropper and blow with straw all over the egg. Your kids will enjoy this busts of color creation idea.

Easter Blow Art Painting. Put colorful paints into different containers. Put dabs of paint using a dropper and blow with straw all over the egg. Your kids will enjoy this busts of color creation idea.source

Carrot Crunch Easter Activity.Use mini carrot containers to pop two dices inside, shake it and see the numbers they display. Add 2 dice numbers to point out the correct carrot with the same number.

Carrot Crunch Easter Activity.Use mini carrot containers to pop two dices inside, shake it and see the numbers they display. Add 2 dice numbers to point out the correct carrot with the same number.source

Circle Prints Easter Activity. Use the half Easter egg to dip the paint in a paper plate. Press colorful circles on paper. You can get this artistic painting easily.

Circle Prints Easter Activity. Use the half Easter egg to dip the paint in a paper plate. Press colorful circles on paper. You can get this artistic painting easily.source

Artistic Easter Egg Roll. Place the colorfully painted Easter egg in a plastic box with paper taped at the bottom. Get the artistic  Easter egg roll painting by tipping the box in various directions.

Artistic Easter Egg Roll. Place the colorfully painted Easter egg in a plastic box with paper taped at the bottom. Get the artistic Easter egg roll painting by tipping the box in various directions.source

Ice Easter Eggs. Place some crafts or glass stones in the balloon, fill it with water using the tap, tie it off and place it in the freezer overnight. You will get this beautiful ice egg. It’s very interesting to retrieve the treasure inside by cracking the eggs open.

Ice Easter Eggs. Place some crafts or glass stones in the balloon, fill it with water using the tap, tie it off and place it in the freezer overnight. You will get this beautiful ice egg. It’s very interesting to retrieve the treasure inside by cracking the eggs open. source
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