20+ Awesome IKEA Hacks for Kids Beds

What kid doesn’t dream of a cool bed? A place or a castle to not only sleep, but to also play. Sometimes it’s no way for parents to afford a cool bed from the market because it’ll go far beyond their budget. Lots of parents turned to reasonable priced and very sturdy IKEA beds. But some of them can’t let their kids’ dream end up with exactly the same beds as thousands of other kids around the world. These talented parents use classic IKEA bed hack to convert a reversible and versatile IKEA bed to a kid’s dreaming playhouse, treehouse or something you won’t believe. Here we collected some awesome, creative and dream-worthy IKEA hacks for your kid’s bed. Read on to see a roundup of our favorites.

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IKEA Kura Beds Transformed into Tree House Playland

IKEA Kura beds transform into Tree House Playland: What stunning playland converted from the IKEA Kura bed. The father used the structure of the Kura beds to build two houses adjoining each other tree house style. The houses are connected and are a source of endless play for children and the roof has missing planks to be able to see the moon. See more instructions

What stunning playland converted from the IKEA Kura bed. The father used the structure of the Kura beds to build two houses adjoining each other tree house style. The houses are connected and are a source of endless play for children and the roof has missing planks to be able to see the moon. See more instructions source

IKEA Kura Bed with Climbing Wall

IKEA Kura Bed with Climbing Wall: Kids love climbing. This is a bed channels that. With the extra climing wall, this is a bed channels kids liking on climbing. Check out the tutorial

Kids love climbing. This is a bed channels that. With the extra climing wall, this is a bed channels kids liking on climbing. Check out the tutorialhere

IKEA Mydal Loftbed with Play Area

IKEA Mydal Loftbed with Play Area: With 2 Mydal loftbeds, 1 trofast storage combination, 1 or 2 Kusiner box storage, the parents made a bed for two boys where they could both sleep downstairs and thus have a playground on top. See more instructions

With 2 Mydal loftbeds, 1 trofast storage combination, 1 or 2 Kusiner box storage, the parents made a bed for two boys where they could both sleep downstairs and thus have a playground on top. See more instructions here

Malm Toddler Bed under Malm-inspired Bunk

Malm Toddler Bed under Malm-inspired Bunk: This bunk bed was made with two used Malm beds, and a used Malm dresser. I appreciated that it was so beautifully made with so much storage and the drawers stairs are perfect for kids who love climbing. See the details

This bunk bed was made with two used Malm beds, and a used Malm dresser. I appreciated that it was so beautifully made with so much storage and the drawers stairs are perfect for kids who love climbing. See the details here

DIY Twin Bed

Convert Some IKEA Items to Full over Twin Bed with Stairs, Slide, and Secret Room

Convert Some IKEA Items to Full over Twin Bed with Stairs, Slide, and Secret Room tutorial

IKEA Kura Transformed into Bed and Playland

IKEA Kura Transformed into Bed and Playland

To meet his son’s dreams of playground slides, simple machines, kinetic ball marble runs, and exploring/hiding, the father turned a Kura bed into this fun and personal bed with a secret room on the bottom. I especialy like the crane and pulley. See more details here

Turn an IKEA Mydal bunk Bed to a Loft Bed with a Little Secret Play House

Turn an IKEA Mydal bunk Bed to a Loft Bed with a Little Secret Play House

Convert the Kura Bed to a Castle Bed

Convert the Kura Bed to a Castle Bed

Kura Castle with Upper Play Deck

Kura Castle with Upper Play Deck: With a Kura bed, two Billy bookshelves, some mdf board and thin plywood Lena made a castle.  Check out the instructions

With a Kura bed, two Billy bookshelves, some mdf board and thin plywood Lena made a castle. Check out the instructions here

Turn a IKEA Bunk Bed to a Stylish Yellow PlayHouse Bed

Turn a IKEA Bunk Bed to a Stylish Yellow PlayHouse Bed

DIY Kura Playhouse Bed with a Deck Area

DIY Kura Playhouse Bed with a Deck Area

Transform a Mydal Bunk Bed to Tractor Bed

Transform a Mydal Bunk Bed to Tractor Bed

Swap a crib for the bottom bed on the IKEA Mydal bunk bed

Swap a crib for the bottom bed on the IKEA Mydal bunk bed


DIY IKEA Kura Bed with Panyl

 DIY IKEA Kura Bed with Panyl

IKEA Kura Bed Makeover with Chalkboard Paint

IKEA Kura Bed Makeover with Chalkboard Paint

DIY IKEA Kura Castle Bed

DIY IKEA Kura Castle Bed

Add Storage Place to IKEA kura Loft Bed

Add Storage Place to IKEA kura Loft Bed

Turn Plain Jane IKEA Bunk Bed to Indoor Kids Cabin

 Turn Plain Jane IKEA Bunk Bed to Indoor Kids Cabin


Convert IKEA Kura Bed to a Little Forest House

Convert IKEA Kura bed to a Little Forest House

Convert an IKEA kura Bed to a a Princess Castle

 Convert an IKEA kura Bed to a Princess Castle

Transform a Kura Bed to an Awesome Playhouse Bed

Transform a Kura Bed to an Awesome Playhouse Bed

Use IKEA Kura Bed and South Shore Dresser to Create a Loft Bed

Use IKEA Kura Bed and South Shore Dresser to Create a Loft Bed


Turn an Ikea Kura Bed to a Loft Bed With Bookcase and Desk

Turn an Ikea Kura Bed to a Loft Bed With Bookcase and Desk

Turn an Ikea Kura Bed to a Beautiful Playhouse

Turn an Ikea Kura Bed to a Beautiful Playhouse



  1. Tina Gleisner Reply

    Some great ideas here, so thanks for sharing (my kids grown & gone but I did have this bed and only created a secret cave underneath with some old sheets). Especially love the climbing wall on the side of the bed, again something that wasn’t around when my kids were little … oh my.

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