30+ Raised Garden Bed Ideas
Raised bed gardening offers a litany of advantages for the novice and experienced gardeners alike. Not only do they take tiny space, but they can also be built right over your concrete patio. Best of all, if you have a bad back, you’ll never have to worry about bending over to harvest vegetables or pull out weeds. Here, we take a look at these fabulous raised garden-bed ideas that will transform your perception of raised garden beds.
DIY Removable Greenhouse Covered Raised Garden Bed
To increase your yields and extend the growing season, consider making a removable greenhouse-covered raised garden bed. A covered garden will help keep the bugs away, and also, help protect plants from heavy winds. Check out the details via apartmenttherapy.
Plastic Bottle Swan Garden
How to Build Raised Garden Beds

Building a raised garden bed is surprisingly easy, all you need are decking screws , cedar decking lumber, and some determination. I’ll bet you can easily pick these at Target or Walmart. Hop on over to onelittleproject and see how it is done.
How to Make a U-Shaped Raised Garden Bed
For a more attractive layout, a U-shaped raised garden bed provides all the convenience and functionality of a typical garden bed but with added advantages like increased yields and fewer pest. Check out more information via mydailyrandomness.
DIY U-Shaped Raised Garden Bed

Needless to say, U-shaped raised gardens facilitate efficient use of growing space and excellent accessibility. So if you have a backyard with ample space, go check out this easy project on how to make a u-shaped raised garden bed here.
How to Make Raised Garden Bed with Removable Pest Gate
A removable pest gate is a neat extra feature that protects your raised garden from pests. Check out Greg’s simple instructions for making a removable pest barrier via vegetablegardener.
DIY Raised Bed With Trellis
While raised garden beds are often built to specific sizes, adding a trellis can significantly improve their productivity. Get all the details and pictures for DIY raised garden bed with trellis at emilyaclark.
DIY Cinder Block Raised Garden Bed
Do you have limited space yet still want a healthy garden, experts recommend a cinder block raised garden. After all, it is easy to build and relatively cheap. Here’s a link to help you get started: isavea2z.
DIY Raised Garden Bed with Trellis
In case you are planning to grow vining plants like cucumbers, melons, and beans, you should be aware that they will require support at some point and will also need protection from pests. Get detailed instructions and expert-proven tips for a DIY trellis on via weedemandreap.
DIY Raised Garden Beds from Old Terracotta Pipes
Another inspiring idea for raised bed gardens. Terra cotta pipes can be used for planting crops and edging the raised garden. Interested? Get more instructions here. Marcus and Jenny also provide tips on where to purchase the required repurposed terracotta pipes and seedlings.
How To Build A Simple Cedar Raise Garden Bed
This project provides an excellent opportunity to grow delicious herbs, vegetables, and fruits on your property wisely. Use the DIY instructions from this link to make a raised planting box for plants. source.
Self-Watering Salad Table
Don’t you just love this idea? Self-watering containers offer endless options to garden with more control over your soil. Also, it is one of the most economical ways to garden. Check out more information and instructions on how to make your own self-watering salad table here.
DIY Wooden Raised Garden Bed
Within a box shaped bed, you can raise all the desired plants you want. Plus, these beds can be used for growing edibles so redwood can be used best to avoid toxins. Find more details via popularmechanics.
DIY Elevated Raised Garden Beds
Get your garden even higher off the ground to prevent rabbits and other animals from stealing your veggies! Build an elevated raised garden bed. Check out the details via wisconsinmommy.
Deer Proof Cedar Complete Raised Garden Bed Kit
Did you know that there are kits which you can purchase and are inclusive of all building materials and instructions required to make your own raised garden bed? It’s perfect for DIY’ers who want to build but don’t feel like doing all the woodwork; for instance, this one includes a gate and fencing and even an option for an automatic watering system! For more details about this project, visit this site here.
Divided Raised Herb Garden Bed
Add wood dividers in your beds and plant one herb or plant in each spot. Neat and organized! Perfect for herbs that can be invasive, like mint! source.
Spiral Raised Garden Bed
Herb spirals, undoubtedly make very cool-looking raised garden beds and are perfect for people with little space for gardening. Check out instructions and more pictures for making a spiral raised garden bed here.
Raised Garden Beds With Trellis
Like the look of these over typical trellis for vertical growing. It’s perfect for small gardens where there isn’t much space. Grow upwards instead of out! source.
Raised Garden With Arbor That Would Be Perfect For Growing String Beans
If you are planning on growing vining veggies like cucumbers and spring beans, they are going to need support at some stage. Introducing an arbor into your raised garden will do the trick. Get more details here.
Gabion Raised Garden Bed
Why build a raised garden bed out of wood when you can use a durable gabion design? Besides, it is inexpensive, attractive and durable. You can contact a professional landscape architecture to find out more about this project.
Lasagna Raisedgarden Bed
Lasagna gardening is all about layers and yes, it is just as exciting as it sounds. No tilling or digging, just delicious organic vegetables straight from your garden bed. Find out more here.
DIY Raised Garden Bed With Weed Cloth And Coconut Fiber To Line The Inside Of The Box
What a smart idea! Use weed cloth and coconut fiber to line the inside of your garden box and cover up the large spaces between the wood. source.
Raised Garden Beds
Take your garden from blah to beautiful with a spectacular u-shaped raised garden! Check out more details via icreatived.
Raised Garden Bed With Squash Growing Racks Made Out Of Pallets
How creative is this! You get to save precious gardening space and keep your squash veggies from taking over. Get more details and pictures via thepaintedhinge.
No-Dig Straw Bale Raised Garden Bed
This is a simple idea with fabulous rewards; in fact, a no-dig raised garden is ideal for most backyards. I love that it’s the quickest way to get fresh vegetables on your dinner table. source.
Beautiful Curved Raised Bed Garden Using Landscape Stones
Add some drama to your backyard with a stunning carved garden. Sure, using landscape stones may be more expensive, but its durability justifies the cost. source.
Raised Garden Bed
For all the benefits that a raised garden offers, it is one of the simplest garden projects you will ever undertake. All it takes is a couple of hours and some few tools. source.
Galvanized Trough Raised Garden Bed
Galvanized troughs provide a modern and utilitarian option to container gardening. These beds, found on Houzz, eliminate the need to kneel when harvesting your produce! source.
Recycled Wine Box Raised Garden Beds
Don’t you love using unexpected items as planters? I do! However, using repurposed wine box planters first requires building a wooden platform for displaying the cute wine box planters. See the tips and instructions via llhdesignsblog.
Wood And Steel Raised Garden Beds
This is the least expensive alternative, features galvanized steel and never rots. Need more details? Check out more details here.
Self-Watering Raised-Bed Vegetable Garden
The magic of this project is rooted in an economical, self-watering raised gardening bed that introuduces you to an easy method of growing organic vegetables. Find out more via dreamgarden101.
So Practical Yet Very Pretty Raised Bed Garden
Walk into the walkway and pick from your garden easily. Just don’t use heavy potting or garden soil in your raised garden. source.
Upcycle 55 Gallon Drums for Raised Bed Gardens
What can you do with 55-gallon drums? Create an excellent, inexpensive and easy on the back raised garden. source.
Raised Garden Beds For Small Spaces
If you have a small yard but love growing and harvesting your own vegetables, then you should consider a raised garden bed. Find more details and instructions via raisedurbangardens.
Easy Metal & Wood Garden Bed
Make a handsome raised bed using a combination of wood and galvanized metal. Check out the instructions here.
DIY Raised Garden Bed with Benches
Improve your raised garden bed by adding benches! This makes gardening easier and more comfortable. Aside from being handy when you’re gardening, these benches are also great spot to hangout. And making one won’t cost you a lot of money and time. source.
DIY Beautiful Painted Pallet Garden Beds
Let your garden rock with such a nice and accent pieces. source.
DIY Covered Raised Garden Bed
Get the tutorial via rathersquare.
my daughter and I are on our own, and have problems with artheritis, so raised garden is the best for us. I love all your ideas, now its save those pennys , so we can do this next year. god bless
Thank you for this, very helpful
Great article! So many creative ideas!. Thank you very much for sharing.
Thanks very much for all these great ideas. My husband and I are building a lean-to greenhouse on the side of our home, and this has given us lots of wonderful ideas. I have bookmarked this page so I don’t lose it later.