Cool Space Crafts for Kids

Outer space is always a mystery and is appealing to most children. Many kids dream of one day traveling to the stars and find it fun to dress up like an astronaut. Take a look at these Cool Space Crafts for Kids, which help them learn about space and encourage their creativity. From spaceship to UFO to alien, these crafts add a creative spin to make the scientific topic more interesting to curious kids.

These cool space crafts add a creative spin and make the scientific topic more interesting for curious kids!

Astronaut craft made from Kitchen foil, buttons, photo, clear lid, coloured card and soft pastel.

Astronaut craft made from Kitchen foil, buttons, photo, clear lid, coloured card and soft pastel. source

Alien spaceship crafts made from paper bowls, googly eyes and plastic cups.

Alien spaceship crafts made from paper bowls, googly eyes and plastic cups. source

What a great way to impress some boys on a rainy day with this Plastic Cup Rocket Launcher.

What a great way to impress some boys on a rainy day with this Plastic Cup Rocket Launcher. source

What an awesome DIY playhouse idea for this carboard rocket ship.

What an awesome DIY playhouse idea for this carboard rocket ship. source

This Paper Plate Alien Spaceship is a great craft for Preschoolers exploring space.

This Paper Plate Alien Spaceship is a great craft for Preschoolers exploring space. source

Do you remember the X-Wing Fighter in Star Wars? This cool X-Wing Fighter is made from office supplies.

Do you remember the X-Wing Fighter in Star Wars? This cool X-Wing Fighter is made from office supplies. source

Use circular cream cheese box and popsicle sticks to create this alien and cardboard spaceship craft.

Use circular cream cheese box and popsicle sticks to create this alien and cardboard spaceship craft. source

This fun and simple paper plate alien spaceship craft would grab every kids' attention.

This fun and simple paper plate alien spaceship craft would grab every kids’ attention. source

Recycled UFO made from old CD and plastic containers.

Recycled UFO made from old CD and plastic containers. source

Create an alien headband craft with paper, sparkly pipe cleaners, sticky back sparkly foam, googly eyes and use it as a pretend play prop.

Create an alien headband craft with paper, sparkly pipe cleaners, sticky back sparkly foam, googly eyes and use it as a pretend play prop. source

Recycled rocket craft made from juice bottle, toilet paper rolls and bottle caps.

Recycled rocket craft made from juice bottle, toilet paper rolls and bottle caps. source

Junk model space rocket made from paper cup and cotton swabs.

Junk model space rocket made from paper cup and cotton swabs. source

Awesome craft and playtime idea for this cool craft of rocket ship with aliens. All out of recycled stuff around house.

Awesome craft and playtime idea for this cool craft of rocket ship with aliens. All out of recycled stuff around house. source

Egg Carton Transport Ship.

Egg Carton Transport Ship. source

Super Sci-Fi Rocket fueled Jet Pack Craft Made From Plastic Bottles.

Super Sci-Fi Rocket fueled Jet Pack Craft Made From Plastic Bottles. source
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