Creative Game Ideas for Your Family

No matter who you are, and no matter where you are, home is the place where your heart is. Who don’t want to be together with lover and kids? If your kids are getting restless on a holiday or the weekend, and you’re fresh out of ideas for things to do, it’s so much fun to get together with family and have a game. There are plenty of ways to keep the cost of game low while keeping the laughs abundant. If you are interested in it, here are some interesting ideas for your next game for your family. These ideas will not only help kids boost language, memory and other learning skills, but also help you get trust and love of family.

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Creative Game Ideas for Your Family!

Giant Outdoor Chess. I absolutely love the idea of taking it outdoors. This would not only be fun, but would keep us active and healthy.

Giant Outdoor Chess. I absolutely love the idea of taking it outdoors. This would not only be fun, but would keep us active and healthy.source

Balloon Stomp. Each player will have two balloons, one on each ankle. Try to pop the other players' balloons by stomping on them. The player with the last unpopped balloon is the winner.

Balloon Stomp. Each player will have two balloons, one on each ankle. Try to pop the other players’ balloons by stomping on them. The player with the last unpopped balloon is the winner.source

Rainbow Tag. When family members find a different-colored stick, they put a line of that color on their faces. Another one try to tag the players and wipes a color off his or her face. First player with five colors wins!

Rainbow Tag. When family members find a different-colored stick, they put a line of that color on their faces. Another one try to tag the players and wipes a color off his or her face. First player with five colors wins!source

Standing Roller Coaster. All you need is a large rope tied in a circle. You cannot move your feet, and everyone starts moving the rope to try and fling other people off. The last person standing wins!

Standing Roller Coaster. All you need is a large rope tied in a circle. You cannot move your feet, and everyone starts moving the rope to try and fling other people off. The last person standing wins!source

Sponge Launch. Three team members use the water balloon launch to launch sponges filled with water to their team mates. Teammates catch the sponges and wring the sponge out in the bucket. Once the bucket is full, you win the game.

Sponge Launch. Three team members use the water balloon launch to launch sponges filled with water to their team mates. Teammates catch the sponges and wring the sponge out in the bucket. Once the bucket is full, you win the game.source

Giant Jenga.Play with your family at weekends or holidays,and you will have a unforgettable memory.The colors we add give the whole thing some sparkle and personality.

Giant Jenga.Play with your family at weekends or holidays,and you will have a unforgettable memory.The colors we add give the whole thing some sparkle and personality.source

Ring Toss Game. The further you stand back, the harder it gets. In order to make it more challenging and entertaining, you can mark lines in the yard and assign each one with a different point value.

Ring Toss Game. The further you stand back, the harder it gets. In order to make it more challenging and entertaining, you can mark lines in the yard and assign each one with a different point value.source

Keep It Up. In this game, everyone of the family has to keep the further up by blowing it across the room into a bucket. Let's see who is the winner.

Keep It Up. In this game, everyone of the family has to keep the further up by blowing it across the room into a bucket. Let’s see who is the winner.source

Knock Down the Bottles. All those heads are in one stocking with some tennis balls in it. Knock down all the bottles as soon as possible.

Knock Down the Bottles. All those heads are in one stocking with some tennis balls in it. Knock down all the bottles as soon as possible.source

Face the Cookie. In this game, each person has a cookie placed on their forehead and has to get it into mouth without touching it with hands.

Face the Cookie. In this game, each person has a cookie placed on their forehead and has to get it into mouth without touching it with hands.source

Tug of war. If you have a big family, there is nothing more fun than tug of war. Don't tie the rope around the last persons waist. It's only a family game.

Tug of war. If you have a big family, there is nothing more fun than tug of war. Don’t tie the rope around the last persons waist. It’s only a family game.source

DIY Lawn Games. These DIY lawn games are fun and easy to play with the kids for spring, summer, fall, or anytime the weather permits backyard activities. Believe it or not, this is made with really simple materials.

DIY Lawn Games. These DIY lawn games are fun and easy to play with the kids for spring, summer, fall, or anytime the weather permits backyard activities. Believe it or not, this is made with really simple materials.source

Bean Bag Toss. There are six bean bags and the members take turns throwing them into the bowls. Try to get more points!

Bean Bag Toss. There are six bean bags and the members take turns throwing them into the bowls. Try to get more points!source

Don't Blow the Joker. Put playing cards on the top of a bottle, and try to blow it off one by one. This game is simple to play, which is part of the reason we love it so much.

Don’t Blow the Joker. Put playing cards on the top of a bottle, and try to blow it off one by one. This game is simple to play, which is part of the reason we love it so much.source

Dominoes. These life-sized dominoes made from wooden boards and stickers will provide fun for hours, and you've got a summer of fun.

Dominoes. These life-sized dominoes made from wooden boards and stickers will provide fun for hours, and you’ve got a summer of fun.source


  1. Malisa Haney Reply

    Love these games

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