30 Cool Twitter Layouts Showcase
Cool twitter layouts can help you reach out to an unlimited sized audience, that are likely to support, listen and ultimately follow you. People are attracted to those who are natural leaders and enjoy being connected to them. If you can show that you have what it takes to make it to the top, they are likely to help you get there through retweets and recommendations.
You have to decide about a picture that you place on your Twitter page. A very complex photo-manipulation or composition will catches the eye, while a simple but striking and very original photo is also cool and makes quite an impression.
Here are some creative twitter layouts that should inspire your own Twitter designs. If you know any cool twitter layouts, feel free to drop a comment.
Twitter Layout-SitePoint
Bubble Friends
Kiam Dean Art


Designer Depot
Local Hero Design
Mail Chimp
Nicholas Patten
Art Visiona
Lynn Chyi
Charity Michot
Canvas Cubed
Jason Later
Peach Pops
Cattle Creative
Holey Coww
Mimo Bot
Elitists Snob
Peta Pixel
Creative Suite
Smarter Comics
Guardian Tech