Author Archive

Street Art

Street Art by Martin Heuwold

German artist Martin Heuwold started as a wild graffiti artist and now makes a living from doing commercial murals.

Cool Reindeer Crafts for Christmas

These cool reindeer crafts make perfect tree ornaments, stocking stuffers or gifts for friends, classmates and coworkers. They can

Cute and Happy Smiley Face Nails

The smiley face is a universal symbol of good cheer. It can be made in a classic text representation
Street Art

Street Art by Andre Muniz Gonzaga

Andre Muniz Gonzaga is one of Brazil’s foremost street artists who is recognized for his paintings on irregular surfaces

Cool Home Library Ideas

Most book lovers and collectors dream of having a home library to hold and display their beloved books. Take

Cute And Creative Swirl Nail Art

Swirl nail art is created using a technique called water marbling. It involves swirling together different colored nail polishes