Author Archive


Genre Paintings Depict Scenes from Everyday Life

Genre painting, painting of scenes from everyday life, of ordinary people in work or recreation, depicted in a generally

20 Creative Photo Frame Display Ideas

Take a look at these Creative Photo Frame Display Ideas which help you organize and show your family photos

Robert McGinnis Women Portraits Artworks

As a world-renowned illustrator whose prolific, award-winning work spans more than six decades, Robert McGinnis is best known for

10+ Creative LED Lights Decorating Ideas

LED lights are great for interior design. There are many ways of using LED lights in decor from ambient

Steve Hanks Watercolor Paintings

Steve Hanks was born into a military family in San Diego in 1949. His father was a highly decorated

20 Cool DIY Chandelier Ideas for Inspiration

Do you need a chandelier to brighten up your room space? If your place lacks overhead dining lighting or