Programming Archive


JavaScript Animation Example: Fireworks.js

Fireworks.js is a cool javascript animation example that creates starburst-type explosions in a web document; in short, it’s a

Open Source PHP Image Library: Asido

Distributed under the LGPL license, Asido is a free and open source PHP image library, with “pluggable” drivers(adapters) for

Markup jQuery Editor: markItUp

Released under both the MIT and GPL Open Source licenses, markItUp is a free and open source JavaScript plugin

Free PHP Captcha Script: Securimage

Distributed under the BSD License, Securimage is a free and open-source PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and

Open Source PHP CMS: Contao

Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Contao (also known as TYPOlight) is a free and open

Free Image Rotation Engine Built with PHP: Revolver

Revolver is a free and open source fast image rotation engine built with PHP. It can be used to