15 Cute Lesbian Wedding Ideas
With more regions passing laws that allow same-sex marriages, women are marrying each other far more than they have in the past. If you’re planning a lesbian wedding ceremony, take a look at these Cute Lesbian Wedding Ideas, which can make your special day and your ceremony more enjoyable and memorable for you both and your guests.
Photo Frame Idea, source

Lesbian Kissing Photo, source

Push-Pop Confetti, source
Rainbow Stairs, source
Lace up your white wedding gown with rainbow colors, source
Black and White Wedding, source
Just Married, source
“Here come the brides” signs, source
Mrs and Mrs forks for wedding cake, source
Mrs. and Mrs. Mason jars, source
Lesbian wedding seating sign, source
Bride pins idea for lesbian wedding, source
Rainbow wedding cake, source
Rainbow flower-girls or bridesmaids, source
So, I was kind of excited to see some really cool ideas for weddings, but turns out that is seen these before a thousand times just with themed weddings. You basically took a bunch of hetero wedding ideas and replaced the Mr. with a second Mrs. which was really disappointing.
Also, religions might change canon, or adopt new policies, or choose to bless and accept same sec marriage, but they don’t make laws. Only the federal and state government can do that.
Lastly, now that marriage between same sec couples is legal, doesn’t it make sense that more are getting married? It just sounds like your intro was an I’ll thought out blurb to explain the posting of some very pretty rainbow pictures.
To MommaG:
If you don’t like these photos, or the blurb, just simply click the red X on the top right of your screen. No one needs your negativity or thoughts on same sex marriage.
Have a nice life 🙂
To the owners of this little article: I loved it! And will definitely be using some of these ideas for my wedding.
Thank you!
AdaG- You are the bigger person… MommaG has a lot of hate going on inside of her and you are responding with love. Good for you! You inspire me to improve myself in the face of ignorance. Much love…
just LOVE…! BROUGHT A TEAR TO MY EYE…….finally proposing in a few weeks….excited isn’t the word!