Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

As parents, you tend to go through literally tons of milk powder cans in the first years of your children’s lives. It may sound silly to you, but instead of throwing all of those cans out, possibly hurting our dear Planet Earth, you can save a good pack – or five – and make yourself a useful decorative project that will certainly be worth your time, effort and all the money you spent on those cans.

Crafting an Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans will give you a furniture piece, a story and a better Planet to pass along to the little ones.

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Here’s how to do it.

1. Take your stash of empty and clean milk powder cans, strong tape, foam mats and some fabric to your chosen crafting area.

Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

2. Tape your cans together neatly and tightly into sections and stack them until you reach your ideal bench shape.

Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

3. Now tape the foam mats around the cans to disguise their shape and turn the initial structure into an actual bench you can comfortably sit on.

Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

4. Cover the whole structure with a fabric or plastic to hide the inside and make the piece more appealing to look at.

Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

5. Enjoy!

Easy DIY Bench Upcycled From Empty Milk Powder Cans

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