10+ Cool Wave Drawings for Inspiration
Technology brings more and more talented artists to the surface, who create astonishing digitally manipulated images on every possible theme. But, we still have the classics, for whom the pencil and paper are the genuine and compulsory materials in creating works of art.
In this post we have collected 10+ cool wave drawings for your inspiration. They are created by the technique of traditional drawing, without any digital manipulation. Some of them can easily trick the eye into believing that they are real photos of real wave, that’s how beautiful and expressive they are. Enjoy them and leave your thoughts here.
Wave Drawing by E777Y
The Eighth Wave by JanBoruta
Lovely Water Wave

On the Wave
Wave Drawing by emkv

Lighthouse by francoclun
Master of Wind and Wave
Waves Become Wings -Barramundi
Drop-in by chadlweeks
The Formidable
Wolfpack Rendezvous
That Sinking Feeling
Wave Drawing Source
Great drawings! Check out my waves at http://www.davidsantosart.blogspot.pt