40 Cool Native American Tattoos Pictures
When we say native american tattoos, it usually include native american chief tattoo, native american girl tattoo, native american dream catcher tattoo, native american feather tattoo, native american wolf tattoo, native american eagle tattoo, native american turtle tattoo and so on.
Native Americans have been tattooing their bodies since the beginning of their residence in the America. These native american symbols and pictures are used to represent their tribe, and each one has special meanings. Tribes tended to use these tattoos to signify major events in a wearer’s life, or to show belonging to a specific tribe. Native American tattoos were also used to show rank within the tribe and different symbols were worn by chiefs, warriors and hunters.
Nowadays many of these native american tattoos are used as a symbol of status, power or a person’s true character. It represent the person’s nature by association with the implication of the chosen symbol. For example, an eagle is a symbol of respect, honor and freedom. A turtle is most commonly seen as a symbol in the wetland, meaning health, fertility and longevity. A wolf may be seen as having the character of intelligence and loyalty, while an owl may be seen as a creature of wisdom.
Here’s an overview with pictures of the most common native american tattoos:
Native American Girl Tattoos

Native American Dream Catcher Tattoos
In Native American cultures, a dreamcatcher is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web.
Traditionally, the Ojibwa construct dreamcatchers by tying sinew strands in a web around a small round or tear-shaped frame of willow. The resulting “dream-catcher”, hung above the bed, is used as a charm to protect sleeping people, usually children, from nightmares. The Ojibwa believe that a dreamcatcher changes a person’s dreams.
Due to their mystical history, dreamcatchers have become a fixture of the New Age movement in recent years, and dreamcatcher tattoos have also grown in popularity.
Native American Feather Tattoos
Feathers are rich in history, culture and symbolism. They can mean freedom, courage, luck, love and so much more. Stars such as Chris Brown, Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus also have feather tattoos.
Native American Chief Tattoos
Native American Wolf Tattoos
Native American wolves are seen as teachers or pathfinders, and can also symbolize ancestors or other spiritual guides. Different types of wolves were indicative of different clans and Native American tribes, as well as commonly being used as totems.
Native American Turtle Tattoos
Native American Eagle Tattoos
Image source: deviantart
I foundsome nice pics. Thanks