Author Archive


25 DIY T-Shirt Cutting Ideas for Girls

Regular T-shirts can be boring and unflattering. Many stores sell shirts that are pre-cut, and many of them are

20 Fun and Creative Container Gardening Ideas

Whether you live in an apartment with only limited space or just need a spot of color in a

20+ Cool Vertical Gardening Ideas

If you don’t have big garden and big yard but you like plants and flowers here is a great
Street Art

Street Art by Charles Leval

The French street artist known as Levalet, aka Charles Leval, fills concrete recesses and jagged sidewalks with black-and-white figures.

25 Cool DIY Indoor Herb Garden Ideas

Don’t have much outdoor space to grow your favorite plants? Do you want to enjoy nature and greenery even

30 Cool Shadow Art Examples

Shadow art is a unique form of sculptural art that creates patterns on a wall or canvas using shadows