Programming Archive


16 of the Best Bitcoin PHP Scripts and Plugins

As a virtual crypto currency, Bitcoin has definitely started to become more and more popular. It is an alternative

Wiki-Like Project Management Tool: Streber

Released under GPL License, Streber is a free and open source wiki like project management tool written in php5.

iPod Style Fly Out jQuery Menu

This iPod-style fly out jQuery menu helps users traverse hierarchical data quickly and with control. It’s especially helpful when

Open Source Simple PHP CMS: Frog

Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3), Frog CMS is a free and open source simple

Build Sortable HTML Table with jQuery Plugin: tablesorter

Dual licensed under MIT or GPL, tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD

Add Notes Over Images With Fotonotes Script

Fotonotes is an standard, specification, and collection of scripts for annotating images. You can roll your mouse of image