80+ Homemade Wine Bottle Crafts

Crafts made from recyclable and eco-friendly materials always catch the eyes. If you have empty wine bottles laying around your house, why not recycle them by making some easy fun crafts? These wine bottle crafts will surely add a festive style to your home decoration in this holiday season.

25 Creative Wine Bottle Chandelier Ideas

25 Creative Wine Bottle Chandelier Ideas.

20+ Creative Wine Bottle Centerpieces

20+ Creative Wine Bottle Centerpieces.

Peacock for Christmas

This peacock wine bottle holder with lights is a great Christmas gift.

This peacock wine bottle holder with lights is a great Christmas gift. via metalartistforum.com

Giant Bottle Flowers

Giant Wine Bottle Flowers.

Blue Wine Bottle Torch

Recycled Wine Bottle Torch.

In this DIY project erik turns an everyday bottle into a modern backyard tiki torch. Get the tutorial via designsponge.com

Table Lamp

Wine Bottle Table Lamp.

Using part from the hardware store, you can make a lamp out of an old bottle for about ten bucks. Get the tutorial via instructables.com

Painted Wine Bottles for Valentine’s Day decoration

This painted wine bottles with pipe cleaner letters are perfect for Valentine's Day decoration.

This painted wine bottles with pipe cleaner letters are perfect for Valentine’s Day decoration. See how via cookinglikelou.com

Hanging Lantern

Hanging Wine Bottle Lantern. Put a tea light inside a wine bottle and this hanging lantern is so creative!

Put a tea light inside a wine bottle and this hanging lantern is so creative. via homejelly.com

Candle Holder

DIY Wine Bottle Candle Holders. Cut the wine bottles at different heights to create these cool candle holders. They are perfect for dinner decoration!

Cut the wine bottles at different heights to create these cool candle holders. They are perfect for dinner decoration. via designsponge.com


DIY Wine Bottle Light.

via witandwhistle.com

Recycled Shelving and Tables

Recycled Shelving Made from Wine Bottles and Wood.

Get the tutorial via instructables.com

Hummingbird Feeder

Wine Bottle Hummingbird Feeder.

Get the instructions via alliemakes.blogspot.com

Wind Chimes

Wine Bottle Wind Chimes.

via delphiglass.com

Wind Chime

Wine Bottle Wind Chimes.

These wind chimes can handle a nice gentle to medium breeze and they sound wonderful. via designsbycdchilds.blogspot.com

Bottle Clock

Bottle Clock.

via stanleyclockworks.com

User Designed Table

User Designed Table Using Recycled Wine Bottles.

Wind Chimes

Wine Bottle Wind Chimes.

via thinkcrafts.com

Recycled Wind Chime

Recycled Wine Bottle Wind Chime.

The melodic tone of the bottle soothes you with every breeze! via recyclart.org

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree Made with Recycled Wine Bottles.

via wanderingtastes.com

Christmas Tree

Wine Bottle Christmas Tree.

via fatpiginthemarket.com

Christmas Tree

Wine Bottle Christmas Tree.

via circlegstudio.wordpress.com

Bottle Tree

Bottle Tree.

Re-Purposed Bottle Tree

Re-Purposed Bottle Tree.

Organize the bottles on the tree-shaped shelves and insert a white string light into each bottle mouth. via thisgreenlife.ca


Wine Bottle Curtain.

Wine Bottle Plant

Wine Bottle Plant.

This craft is a great idea for keeping your plants watered while you are away. via apartmenttherapy.com


Wine Bottle Light.

DIY Wine Bottle Hanging Planters

DIY Wine Bottle Hanging Planters.

DIY Herb Garden

DIY Herb Garden Made from Wine Bottles.

Craft for Wedding

Craft for Wedding.

This is a great idea to arrange flowers in hanging glass bottles floated above the buffet for wedding. via eatdrinkchic.com

Colorful Bottle Lantern

Colorful Bottle Lantern.

Accent Light

Wine Bottle Accent Light.

Get the tutorial via instructables.com

Wine Bottle Jack-O-Lanterns

Halloween + Drinking = Wine Bottle Jack-O-Lanterns!

Get the tutorial via instructables.com

Wine Bottle Lamps

Wine Bottle Lamps.

Christmas Crafts with Wine Bottles

Christmas Crafts with Wine Bottles.

Love Letters

Love Letters.

Love Letters

Love Letters.

Love Letters

Love Letters.

Wine Letters

Wine Letters.

Christmas Decoration

Wine Bottle Christmas Decoration.


Wine Bottle Lamp.


Wine Bottle Vases. Cut the wine bottles in half and use the bottle bottoms to make vases.

Cut the wine bottles in half and use the bottle bottoms to make vases. via myjournalkohn.blogspot.com
See also  15 Romantic Scrapbook Ideas for Boyfriend


  1. pam wilkinsosn Reply

    these bottles are so nice. could you please tell me how to cut them.

  2. Katthy Reply

    How are thesthese bottles cut? Both horizontal, vertical and center cut out? I Know that you need a special drill bit to make a hole if putting lights inside, but have no idea how to do the other cuts. Thank you!

  3. Jacqueline Marchetti Reply

    How did you attach the chain to the glass candle (votive) inside the bottle? Did you drill holes in the glass holder, epoxy it ? I am a bottle sculpturer myself. Also, I did a faux technique on a couple bottles with tissue paper and it turned out cool. Have you tried anything like that? I crinkled up tissue paper (used white) then covered the bottle with elmer’s glue. Gently put the tissue paper over the bottle in small pieces at a time,overlapping some of them. When I got the whole thing covered and allowed it to dry a day or so I painted over the bottle really good. the paint also helps the paper to stay in place better. Then I embelished it. Jacie.

    • Lorraine Reply

      This makes evthieryng so completely painless.

  4. Dallas Brozik Reply

    The blue wind chime bottle was cut with a wet saw. Those things can get very expensive, and you can lose part of a finger if you are not careful. And it is really messy.

    You can also use a wet saw to cut across the bottle, but that is too much trouble. Remove the label from the bottle in the area you wish to make the cut. Use a glass cutter to make a continuous score around the bottle. This is not something you can do by hand. There are some commercial products that can help, but I chose to make my own jig for high volume work. If you want to see a picture, drop me a note at brozik(at)netzero(dot)net. When the score is made, use boiling water and a measuring cup to heat the area around the score, NOT the entire bottle. Once the scored glass is hot, run some cold tap water on the score. You may have to repeat this procedure a couple times. The heating and cooling propagates a crack through the glass, and the two pieces fall apart. I usually start with 50-75 bottles or so, and I get a success rate around 85%. It is actually rather fun to do. The 15% of the bottles that are lost are due to imperfections in the glass or bad scores that send the crack sideways from the score. (Oh, well, you can’t save them all.) Be sure to wear eye protection, just in case. I have never had a problem of that magnitude, but sometimes a German bottle will shatter in my hands.

    You will need to polish the edge. I start with a glass grinder to knock off the big burrs, but then there is about 10-15 minutes of hand work with 60 grit and 120 grit diamond sanding pads. The finish is not drinking glass smooth, but you won’t cut yourself on the rim. (That means you can give them as gifts or sell them at craft fairs.)

    As for the votive candle, the technique of drilling the votive is a bit troublesome. I make a chain harness that the votive candle sits in and can be removed from at will; that way it is easy to replace the candle. It just takes some #16 jack chain from Walmart and a couple pair of needle nosed pliers to work the chain links. It is also helpful to have two 1″ steel rings to use as the hanging hardware. Drop me a note, and I’ll send you a picture.

    For drilling the hole to put in the lights, you will need a 1/2″ diamond hole saw (12.7mm, not 12mm; Bosch makes a good one). You also need a drill press and a jig to hold the bottle. The jig is easy to build (I can send a picture). The hole must be drilled under water or the glass will overheat and crack. Figure out where you want the hole, and build a dam of plumber’s putty around it to hold in the water. Then use the drill press to make small downward strokes. You have to make sure to lift the bit so that water can get in to cool the glass. Once you are through, a little water and glass dust will fall into the bottle along with the glass plug. Be sure to rinse out the bottle soon thereafter. If you let the water dry, the glass dust acts like cement and leaves a residue in the bottle that is an absolute b!tch to clean out. If you are going to string the lights, you will also need to find a 1/2″ stress relief bushing to prevent them from being pulled out the back.

    Have fun!

  5. Serene Reply

    How are the 3 Christmas decoration bottles made? What was used for the snowflakes and the snow effect on the bottles?

  6. Rene' Reply

    I’d like to know the answer to Serene’s question too. Amazing work!

  7. Carolyn Murray Reply

    How are the 3 bottles with the lites inside made? How did you frost them and where did you get the snowflake decals? Thank you for reading this.

  8. callie Reply

    I too would like to know the answer to Serenes question…. The snowflake bottles are beautiful !

  9. Matt Reply

    Just guessing but spray paint (frosted), and a sheet of stickers that you can buy at Hobby Lobby.

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