10 Good Ice Breakers For College Students

Ice breakers are fun activities to get students more acquainted with one another. They create a fun environment to help build relationships with new people. College students often have an icebreaker activity on the first day of class. Check out these good ice breakers for college students who need help in becoming more familiar with one another. Hopefully some of these ice breaker ideas will be perfect to give everyone a chance to get to know one another and possibly make some new friends.

Ice Breaker Ball

Ice Breaker Ball. Grab a big bouncy ball, write questions all over it. Pass it around and what ever question your right hand pointer finger touches you have to answer. Pretty easy and fun! You get to know A LOT about people!

Grab a big bouncy ball, write questions all over it. Pass it around and what ever question your right hand pointer finger touches you have to answer. Pretty easy and fun! You get to know A LOT about people! Via cookandcraftmecrazy.blogspot.com

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52 Get to Know You Questions!

52 Get to Know You Questions!

Via lifeaccordingtokatrina.blogspot.com

Get To Know You Game Using Colorful M&M

Get To Know You Game Using Colorful M&M. Write down a bunch of questions on pieces of paper. The person who was chosen grabbed a M&M and then answered a question based on whichever color she grabbed. The answer was writen down on the dry erase board without showing anyone. Then she read the question to the group and the others had to guess what her answer was.

Write down a bunch of questions on pieces of paper. The person who was chosen grabbed a M&M and then answered a question based on whichever color she grabbed. The answer was writen down on the dry erase board without showing anyone. Then she read the question to the group and the others had to guess what her answer was. Via shescraftycrafty.com

M&Ms Feelings Activity

M&Ms Feelings Activity.

Via radathome.blogspot.com

This Or That?

This Or That? Pick a stick and choose your answers. Everyone who agreed wrapped the yarn around themselves and chose another stick and the game continued. The yarn had woven quite a web illustrating that we are all connected in some way.

Pick a stick and choose your answers. Everyone who agreed wrapped the yarn around themselves and chose another stick and the game continued. The yarn had woven quite a web illustrating that we are all connected in some way. Via amateurcrafthour.blogspot.com

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What’s On Your Mind?

What's On Your Mind? Fill with drawings, clip art, stickers, photographs, words, quotes...whatever is always on your mind. This is a good icebreaker for students to get to know their new classmates.

Fill with drawings, clip art, stickers, photographs, words, quotes…whatever is “always on your mind.” This is a good icebreaker for students to get to know their new classmates. Via teachwithme.com

Name Map

Name Map. This is a great icebreaker for the 1st day or week of school.

This is a great icebreaker for the 1st day or week of school. Via teachwithme.com

Icebreaker Question Stones

Icebreaker Question Stones. Use glass pebbles, scrapbook paper and Mod Podge to create some question stones. Give your icebreaker questions a new look.

Use glass pebbles, scrapbook paper and Mod Podge to create some question stones. Give your icebreaker questions a new look. Via themiddleschoolcounselor.com

Get-To-Know-You Bingo

Get-To-Know-You Bingo. This breakers game loosens people up with some gentle competition and helps ease them into conversations with other group members.

This breakers game loosens people up with some gentle competition and helps ease them into conversations with other group members. Via lets-get-together.com

70 Sorority Friendly “Would You Rather?” Questions!

70 Sorority Friendly 'Would You Rather?' Questions! Create your own specific greek community questions too for extra fun. The game of impossible choices 'Would You Rather' makes for a great icebreaker activity.

Create your own specific greek community questions too for extra fun. The game of impossible choices “Would You Rather” makes for a great icebreaker activity. Via sororitysugar.tumblr.com

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