art Archive


BLU’s Artworks for Old Warehouse

Street Artist BLU paints onto brick walls, gravel paths, water tanks, forgotten corners, construction sites, and abandoned buildings. This

30 Cool Shadow Art Examples

Shadow art is a unique form of sculptural art that creates patterns on a wall or canvas using shadows

20 Awesome Stairs Street Art

Street art is visual art created in public locations. Those public locations can be walls, streets, pavements and even

30 Cool Halloween Nail Art Ideas

With Halloween approaching, maybe you already know what costume to wear for the spookiest night of the year. But,

Jeremy Mann Figurative Paintings

Jeremy Mann was born in 1979. He holds a Cum Laude BFA from Ohio University and an MFA with

20 Cool Book Sculptures for Inspiration

Book Sculpture is a form of sculpturing art made with books. In this post, we collected 20 Book Sculptures