Markup jQuery Editor: markItUp

Released under both the MIT and GPL Open Source licenses, markItUp is a free and open source JavaScript plugin

80+ Homemade Wine Bottle Crafts

Crafts made from recyclable and eco-friendly materials always catch the eyes. If you have empty wine bottles laying around

Free PHP Captcha Script: Securimage

Distributed under the BSD License, Securimage is a free and open-source PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and

40+ Cute Cherry Blossom Tattoo Design Ideas

Cherry blossom tattoos and their meanings have several different associations. Many people render the soft pink flowers as the

Open Source PHP CMS: Contao

Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), Contao (also known as TYPOlight) is a free and open

25 Creative Wine Bottle Chandelier Ideas

Modern Chandeliers Source Recycled Chandeliers Source Tuscan Style Chandeliers Source Kitchen Chandeliers Source Recycled Chandelier Source DIY Chandelier Source