Author Archive


30 Cool Kentucky Derby Hats

Kentucky Derby hats are known for their vivacious colors and wildly extravagant size. To create a awesome bulletin board

20+ Creative DIY Cubicle Decorating Ideas

Cubicle decoration is a fascinating and fun way to put your creativeness to good use. Enjoy these creative diy

30 Creative Nightstand Ideas for Home Decoration

With a nightstand, you can easily place and find books, glasses, eye-drops and other things beside your bed. But

10+ Cool DIY Leprechaun Trap Ideas

Many kids love to build leprechaun trap crafts around St. Patrick’s Day. It is believed that when you trap

20+ Unique Camouflage Wedding Ideas

For those who are avid outdoors persons or hunters, camouflage is a unique way to grab the attention of

20 Creative Terrarium Containers

Take a look at these creative terrarium containers which bring a touch of nature indoors and make stunning centerpieces