Programming Archive


Open Source Web Based Task Management Software: TaskFreak

Released under the General Public Licence, TaskFreak is a free and open source web based task management software written

Free Simple Drop Down Menu: ADxMenu

ADxMenu is a free and open source drop down menu intended for the people building modern sites based on

Open Source HTML Filter Library: HTML Purifier

Lcensed under the LGPL v2.1+, HTML Purifier is a open source HTML filter library written in PHP. It will

Interesting Flash Toolkit for Touch Effects: Powercursor

Distributed under a Creative Commons License, Powercursor is an interesting software toolkit in Flash for designing interfaces you can

Free E-Commerce Shopping Cart: Ubercart Drupal Module

Ubercart is an free and open source e-commerce shopping cart that fully integrates your online store with Drupal, the

20+ Parallax Scrolling Resources (Tutorials, Plugins and Demos)

Ian Coyle created the very first parallax website for Nike “Nike Better World” on 2011. Nowadays parallax scrolling effect