20+ Game of Thrones House Mottos and Sigils

In Game of Thrones, a fantasy world created by George R. R. Martin, house mottos and sigils defined each house’s heraldry and give some insight into their distinctive personalities. Fans of the show are drawn to its intricate storyline, captivating characters, and the intricate details of the world of Westeros. One of the most memorable aspects of the show is the heraldry of the noble houses of Westeros, with each house having its own unique motto and sigil.

In this article, we will explore the Game of Thrones house mottos and sigils and delve into the rich history and lore behind each of them.

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House Stark Motto: The house motto of House Stark is “Winter Is Coming,” which serves as a warning and a reminder that the harsh winter climate of the North is always looming. The Stark sigil is a grey direwolf on a white background, symbolizing the house’s connection to the harsh, rugged land of the North. House Stark has been a dominant force in Westeros for centuries, with its ancestral seat at Winterfell.

House Stark’s sigil is a direwolf, a powerful creature that is larger than most wolves and can grow to the size of the horse. The Stark's six children (including Jon Snow) each had a direwolf to protect them. The motto of House Stark is 'Winter is coming'.

House Arryn Motto: The motto of House Arryn is “As High As Honor”. The sigil of House Arryn is a falcon soaring against the moon.

The motto of House Arryn is 'As High As Honor'. The sigil of House Arryn is a falcon soaring against the moon.

House Lannister Motto: The house motto of House Lannister is “Hear Me Roar,” which represents the house’s pride and ambition. The Lannister sigil is a golden lion on a red background, symbolizing the house’s wealth and power. House Lannister is one of the wealthiest houses in Westeros, with its ancestral seat at Casterly Rock.

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House Lannister Motto. Its sigil is a golden lion on a crimson field and the motto is 'Hear Me Roar!'. Another popular saying attributed to them is that 'A Lannister always pays his debts'.

House Targaryen Motto: The house motto of House Targaryen is “Fire and Blood,” which represents the house’s legacy of conquering and ruling with an iron fist. The Targaryen sigil is a red three-headed dragon on a black background, symbolizing the house’s power and ferocity. House Targaryen is known for its close relationship with dragons, which were used to conquer and maintain their rule over the Seven Kingdoms.

The Targaryen sigil is a three-headed dragon, red on black. The three heads are supposed to represent Aegon and his sisters, founder of the Old Dynasty. Their motto is 'Fire and Blood'.

House Greyjoy Motto: The house motto of House Greyjoy is “We Do Not Sow,” which represents the house’s self-sufficiency and independence. The Greyjoy sigil is a golden kraken on a black background, symbolizing the house’s power and dominance over the seas. House Greyjoy is known for its naval power and raiding prowess, with its ancestral seat at Pyke.

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House Greyjoy Motto. Its sigil is a golden kraken upon a black field, which befits their culture as seafarers and raiders. The motto is 'We Do Not Sow'.

House Baratheon Motto: The house motto of House Baratheon is “Ours Is the Fury,” which represents the house’s strength and determination. The Baratheon sigil is a black stag on a gold background, symbolizing the house’s power and resilience. House Baratheon rose to power after Robert Baratheon overthrew the Targaryen dynasty and claimed the Iron Throne for himself.

The House Baratheon's motto is 'Ours is the Fury.' Its sigil is a crowned black stag on a golden field.

House Martell Motto: The house motto of House Martell is “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken,” which represents the house’s defiance and resilience. The Martell sigil is a red sun pierced by a golden spear on an orange background, symbolizing the house’s connection to the desert climate of Dorne. House Martell is known for its warrior culture and its history of resisting Targaryen rule.

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House Martell Motto. Their sigil is a red sun pierced by a golden spear. Their motto is 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken'.

House Tully Motto: Their sigil is a silver trout leaping over a field of blue and red. The motto of House Tully is “Family, Duty, Honor”.

House Tully Motto. Their sigil is a silver trout leaping over a field of blue and red. The motto of House Tully is 'Family, Duty, Honor'.

House Tyrell Motto: The house motto of House Tyrell is “Growing Strong,” which represents the house’s ambition and adaptability. The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a green background, symbolizing the house’s wealth and fertility. House Tyrell is one of the wealthiest houses in Westeros, with its ancestral seat at Highgarden.

The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a grass-green field. Ser Loras, a popular knight from the Tyrell family, is known as the 'Knight of Flowers'. Their motto is 'Growing Strong'.

House Mormont Motto: House Mormont of Bear Island is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. Their sigil is a black bear in a green wood and the motto is “Here We Stand”.

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House Mormont of Bear Island is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. Their sigil is a black bear in a green wood and the motto is 'Here We Stand'.

House Karstark Motto: The Karstark sigil is a white sunburst on black. Their words are “The Sun of Winter.” House Karstark is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. Their lands are northeast of Winterfell.

The Karstark sigil is a white sunburst on black. Their words are 'The Sun of Winter'. House Karstark is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. Their lands are northeast of Winterfell.

House Swyft Motto: House Swyft is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. Its sigil is a blue bantam rooster on yellow. The motto is “Awake! Awake!”.

House Swyft is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. Its sigil is a blue bantam rooster on yellow. The motto is 'Awake! Awake!'.

House Westerling Motto: House Westerling is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. The Westerling sigil is six white shells on a sand-colored background. Their motto is “Honor, Not Honors”.

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House Westerling is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. The Westerling sigil is six white shells on a sand-colored background. Their motto is 'Honor, Not Honors'.

House Allyrion Motto: Their blazon is a golden hand on gyronny red and black. Their words do not appear in the books, but according to semi-canon sources are “No Foe May Pass”.

House Allyrion Motto. Their blazon is a golden hand on gyronny red and black. Their words do not appear in the books, but according to semi-canon sources are 'No Foe May Pass'.

House Hornwood Motto: House Hornwood is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. Their lands are southeast of Winterfell. The Hornwood sigil is a black bull moose on an orange field. Their motto is “Righteous in Wrath.”

House Hornwood is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. Their lands are southeast of Winterfell. The Hornwood sigil is a black bull moose on an orange field. Their motto is 'Righteous in Wrath'.

House Crakehall Motto: House Crakehall is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. The Crakehall sigil is a black and white brindled boar on brown. Their motto is “None So Fierce”.

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House Crakehall is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Lannister of Casterly Rock. The Crakehall sigil is a black and white brindled boar on brown. Their motto is 'None So Fierce'.

House Cerwyn Motto: House Cerwyn is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. The sigil is a black battle-axe on silver and their words are “Honed And Ready”.

House Cerwyn is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Stark of Winterfell. The sigil is a black battle-axe on silver and their words are 'Honed And Ready'.

House Mallister Motto: House Mallister of Seagard is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Tully of Riverrun. The sigil is a silver eagle and their motto is “Above The Rest”.

House Mallister of Seagard is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Tully of Riverrun. The sigil is a silver eagle and their motto is 'Above The Rest'.

House Frey: The symbol of House Frey is two grey towers linked by a bridge.

House Frey. The symbol of House Frey is two grey towers linked by a bridge.

House Clegane: The Clegane sigil is three black dogs on a dark yellow background. The three dogs signify the three dogs that died fighting off the lioness that attacked Tytos Lannister.

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The Clegane sigil is three black dogs on a dark yellow background. The three dogs signify the three dogs that died fighting off the lioness that attacked Tytos Lannister.

House Selmy: Their sigil is three stalks of yellow wheat on brown.

House Selmy. Their sigil is three stalks of yellow wheat on brown.

House Dondarrion: House Dondarrion is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Baratheon of Storm’s End. House Dondarrion’s sigil is a forked purple lightning bolt on a black field of Stars.

House Dondarrion is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Baratheon of Storm's End. House Dondarrion's sigil is a forked purple lightning bolt on a black field of Stars.

House Seaworth: House Seaworth is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Baratheon of Dragonstone. The sigil is a black boat with an onion on the sail.

House Seaworth is a vassal house that holds fealty to House Baratheon of Dragonstone. The sigil is a black boat with an onion on the sail.

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