20 Fun and Creative Office Gift Ideas

Morris the Memo Holder When you need to remember something you simply pop it on a note and then

30 Amazing 3D Street Art

3D Pac-Man Painting Leon Keer created this amazing 3D street painting in Venlo, The Netherlands. source 3D Floor Art

15 Minute to Win It Party Games

“Minute to Win It” is a game show where contestants have to clear stages within a minute. They compete

10+ Team Building Activities for Adults and Kids

Team building activities or games develop communication, coordination, cooperation and team spirit amongst people. Let’s have a look at

30+ Unique and Interesting Buildings in The World

The Crooked House (Sopot, Poland) The building looks like it is melting in the midday sun and is one

10+ Online Background Pattern Makers

Here are some of the best background pattern makers for designers and developers. These online generators can be extremely