50+ Cool Letter B Logo Design Showcase
Many companies, both large and small, have logos that are made up of stylish letter b, such as blogger logo, Blu-ray Disc logo and Ryan Biggs Associates logo. These logo designs can effectively use a simple icon to leave a deep enough impression for the public, making those first-time visitors to the websites will return in future.
This time we continue with a showcase of cool letter B logo design. These logo designs are suitable for any business or organization with the letter B in its brand name or the company name. Also suitable for all product names and merchandises with the letter B. If you know any good logo gallery or any good portfolio feel free to drop a comment.
Business Plus
Letter B and letter P combination with a plus sign thrown in.
Building Explorer
Bulding Explorer is a company specializing in BIM (Building Information Model) software solutions. BIM software facilitates the building process by giving full control of the construction project and its costs.
Logo Source
Real estate consultant- Downtown Boston (city/urban)luxury condominium market.

Burney Electrical
Identity designed for commercial refrigeration and electrical contracting company.
Letter B Bee
Logo for web design firm.

Made in BUNCH
Made in BUNCH < Bunch ID design project.
Board Culture
Identity for local surf hardware and fashion.
Mondego is the river’s name of the 3rd biggest Portuguese city Coimbra where the company is settled). The Brand development premises were: Nature / Healthy / Peaceful Identity. The leaf merged into the B glyph drawn with very organic shapes gives the mood the client wanted.
Brandon Green
BarMitzvah brand identity for Brandon.
Noah Borer Video Productions
Identity for the Toronto, ON Canada based video production company. Mark is based on the initials.
Electronic Brain
Dealer for computer based solutions.
Burnett Electrical
The monotone version of Burnett Electrical.
Logo designed for a Creative Agency.
Sun Brick
Logo for hosting company, containing letter s and letter b.
Breedlove Lawn Maintanance Logo
Scandinavian Beauty
Logo designed for a beauty salon in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The letter S and B forms the body of a butterfly, a symbol of beauty.
Logo designed for Dreambig Production
m. Brady Clark
This logo design will be featured in Logolounge Book #5, June.2009
Flying Horse Monogram
Buchanan Optometrists
Monogram with integration of an eye.
Beach Crew
Lower case b with a wave/letter c in the negative space.
bicyc lette
Logo designed for a bicycle manufacturer.
Brand Love
Logo designed for a spray company.
Bed Room
BeeCee Design
Agence BeeCee Design from Martinique.
Bunny Rabbit
Byrnes Communication
Quote based logo
Conference On Cyberspace
Logo design for Conference on Cyberspace.
Byte Co
Logo designed for IT Consulting company.
Broadway Barber Shop
This is the identity for Broadway Barber Shop in Rensselaer, New York.
Vitamin Bee
Logo design for Vitamin Bee. Symbol shows a vitamin with a stinger.
Blue Lid
Bryce Brothers
This is a work in progress for a while now for these two brothers that are venture capitalists / angel investors.
B in this can be seen in 2 ways as in a capital B outer side or the smaller b in the circle. Which ever way you see it. Just toying around with idea.
Letter B and number 1 combined to form the logo.
Buy HGH Help
Logo designed for Buy HGH Help
One of those ideas that appear in the middle of more serious work.
Bubbly Final
Final logo for Bubbly iphone app – Bubbly is a social messaging service where people share SMS and voice updates with friends, family, fans and followers. Bubbly is like ‘Twitter with a voice’ and brings social networking to mobile phones.
Bubbly Unused
Unused logo proposal for app that allows you to create your own blogs (text audio photo video), follow blogs of your friends and favorite celebrities, basically a microblogging platform with mobile as the main focus.
New Zealand Blackcurrant Co-operative
Logo for co-operative of blackcurrant growers.
Payday Bank
Family logo for handmade jewelry master Bezugla.
Balic Design
The “B” letter in negative space is made of feather and two ink bubles (or drops).
Babelfish Legal
Logo for a law office from Netherland.
Brands & Events
Simple BE monogram that could be used for many kinds of industries or for personal use as initials.
Embrace Beer
WIP for a website all about beer related information. Mark contains E, B, and beer bottles.
Logo used for a company that specializes in Hispanic advertising (including graphic design) and small business development.
Bent Pencil
Because the admiin of this site is working, no question very quickly it wwill be famous,
due to its quality contents.