As a world-renowned illustrator whose prolific, award-winning work spans more than six decades, Robert McGinnis is best known for his astonishing career as a paperback cover artist. His first covers appeared in 1958, and since then he has painted over one thousand of them, for all the major publishers in all genres. He is most…
8 Isometric Drawing Exercises Collection
Isometric drawing is a way of 3D representation of an object on 2D surface. It is commonly used in engineering, architecture and related fields. For people who have no background in engineering or architectural, a multi-view drawing can be difficult to understand. Translating a multi-view drawing requires skill and imagination to mentally round out how…
7 Isometric Drawing Tools and Tutorials
Isometric drawing is a way of 3D representation of an object on 2D surface. Three views of the same image are combined to make an isometric drawing. In order for a design to appear three dimensional, horizontals usually are drawn at 30° from the normal horizontal axes, while verticals remain parallel to the normal vertical…
50+ Awesome 3D Logo Designs
3D logos are getting more and more popular with the designers recent days. Some of those logos are edited using Photoshop or illustrator, also many of them are done using 3d modeling software. 3D logos provide a different or a realistic feel compared with dull and flat logos. Making 3D logos involves distinct vision and…