DIY Archive


How to Make a Film Projector using Smartphone and Shoe Box

Did you ever find yourself in a situation where you really wanted to show all of your friends and

How To Make Fire With A Lemon

Any camper should know at least a few different ways to make a fire. While matches and gasoline are

DIY Spinner With Paper

Spinners have risen in popularity over the last couple of years. Children are fascinated with the gadgets’ movements, adults

How To Make Glitter Galaxy Slime

Everyone seems to love slime at the moment. Children and teenagers enjoy getting their hands dirty and throwing the

How to Make Mod Podge

Mod Podge is an essential supply to have in your stash if you enjoy arts and crafts. You might,

What Are Dreamcatchers? Brief Origin and History

Dream catchers started as a symbolic decoration with purpose for our Native Americans, but today they’re more or less