15 Creative Soda Can Crafts

Soda cans are some of the best recyclables to transform into craft supplies, as they are durable, attractive, and

25 DIY T-Shirt Cutting Ideas for Girls

Regular T-shirts can be boring and unflattering. Many stores sell shirts that are pre-cut, and many of them are

20 Fun and Creative Container Gardening Ideas

Whether you live in an apartment with only limited space or just need a spot of color in a

20+ Cool Vertical Gardening Ideas

If you don’t have big garden and big yard but you like plants and flowers here is a great

Street Art by Charles Leval

The French street artist known as Levalet, aka Charles Leval, fills concrete recesses and jagged sidewalks with black-and-white figures.

25 Cool DIY Indoor Herb Garden Ideas

Don’t have much outdoor space to grow your favorite plants? Do you want to enjoy nature and greenery even