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7 Isometric Drawing Tools and Tutorials

Isometric drawing is a way of 3D representation of an object on 2D surface. Three views of the same

50 Cool Computer Logo Designs for Inspiration

Computer logos need to convey to the company’s target customers that they are a professional and reliable company that

50+ Creative Church Logo Designs for Inspiration

A church logo represents ministry, people, building, friendliness and reputation. It is vital that you understand the importance of

50 Cute Cat Logo Designs

Cat has been a human companion as a pet for quite a long history. It is a beautiful and

50+ Cool Car Logo Designs for Inspiration

Car indicates speed, convenient, also can represent a person’s career situation, taste, and status. Car logos are often used

50+ Creative Book Logo Designs for Inspiration

It goes without saying that book is the symbol of wisdom. The meaning of the book is beyond time