40 Protection Sigils and Their Meanings
Sigils are symbols or characters that are believed to hold magical powers and are used for various purposes such as protection, healing, and manifestation. Protection sigils, in particular, are believed to ward off negative energies, evil spirits, and other forms of harm.
In this article, we will explore 40 protection sigils and their meanings, including their origins and how they are used. Whether you are looking to enhance your personal protection or create a protective space for your home or workplace, these sigils can be a powerful tool to add to your spiritual toolkit.
The Gorgoneion
The Gorgoneion sigil is a symbol associated with the Gorgons, three sisters from Greek mythology with snakes for hair and the power to turn people to stone.
The Gorgoneion is a depiction of the head of the Gorgon Medusa, often shown with a tongue sticking out and fangs exposed.
The symbol was believed to have protective properties and was often used on shields, armor, and other defensive objects in ancient Greece. It was believed to ward off evil and protect the wearer from harm.
The Ouroboros
The Ouroboros sigil is an ancient symbol that represents a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. It has been used in various cultures to represent concepts such as eternity, cyclicality, and the infinite nature of the universe.
It is often associated with alchemy, as it represents the cyclical process of creation and destruction. The Ouroboros sigil can also be interpreted as a representation of the self-consuming nature of existence or the continuous renewal of life.
The Star of David

The Star of David sigil, also known as the Magen David, is a symbol that has been associated with Judaism for centuries. It consists of two interlocking triangles, with one triangle pointing upward and the other pointing downward.
The Star of David has various meanings, including the connection between heaven and earth, the unity of God, and the relationship between the Jewish people and God. It is also used as a symbol of protection, and has been used on Jewish shields and flags for centuries.
The Hamsa Hand
The Hamsa Hand, also known as the Hand of Fatima or Hand of Miriam, is a hand-shaped amulet that is believed to offer protection against the evil eye and bring good fortune to the bearer.
It is often depicted with an eye in the center, known as the eye of God, and is believed to have originated in the Middle East and North Africa. The word “Hamsa” itself is derived from the Arabic word for “five,” which represents the five fingers of the hand.
In Jewish and Islamic traditions, the Hamsa Hand is associated with the prophet Abraham and his wife Sarah. It is also associated with the prophet Muhammad’s daughter, Fatima, who is believed to have used the symbol to ward off evil.
The Hamsa Hand has become a popular symbol in modern times, often seen in jewelry, wall hangings, and other forms of artwork. It is believed to bring blessings and protection to the home and those who wear it.
The Triquetra

The Triquetra sigil, also known as the Trinity Knot, is a Celtic symbol consisting of three interlocked loops. It represents the interconnectedness of the three forces of nature: earth, water, and air, as well as the three stages of life: birth, death, and rebirth.
The symbol is also commonly associated with the Holy Trinity in Christianity. The Triquetra has been used in Celtic art and jewelry for centuries and continues to be a popular design today.
The Pentacle
The Pentacle sigil is a five-pointed star encircled by a circle. It is a symbol that has been used in various cultures and traditions, including Paganism, Wicca, and some forms of Christianity.
In Paganism and Wicca, the Pentacle is often seen as a protective symbol and represents the elements of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. It is also associated with the goddess and is used in rituals and spells.
In some forms of Christianity, the Pentacle represents the five wounds of Christ and is used as a symbol of protection against evil. The Pentacle is also used as a decorative element in jewelry and clothing.
The Rune Algiz
The Rune Algiz sigil, also known as the Elhaz or Eolh symbol, is a rune in the Elder Futhark, the oldest form of the runic alphabets used by Germanic peoples. The Algiz rune represents protection, defense, and the connection between the divine and the earthly realms.
In Nordic mythology, the rune is associated with the god Heimdall, who guarded the Bifrost bridge, the only entrance to Asgard, the home of the gods. The Algiz rune is often used in Nordic and Germanic magical practices as a protective amulet, and is also used in divination and meditation. The symbol is sometimes used in contemporary neopaganism and other spiritual practices.
The Ankh
The Ankh sigil, also known as the Egyptian cross or crux ansata, is an ancient Egyptian symbol representing eternal life and fertility. It is a cross with a loop at the top, which is believed to represent the union of masculine and feminine energies.
The Ankh was used in Egyptian art, religion, and iconography, often held by gods and goddesses in depictions. It was also used as a powerful amulet, believed to provide the wearer with protection and the gift of eternal life.
The Solar Cross
The Solar Cross sigil, also known as the Sun Cross, is a symbol that represents the sun and its power in many cultures around the world. It consists of a circle with an equal-armed cross inside it, often with the arms of the cross ending in circles.
The Solar Cross has been used by different civilizations, including the ancient Egyptians and the Celtic people, to represent the sun, light, and the power of creation. In some spiritual traditions, the Solar Cross is associated with balance and harmony, and is used in meditation and spiritual practices to connect with the energy of the sun and the cosmos.
The Celtic Shield Knot
This symbol represents protection, strength, and resilience. It is a knotwork design that consists of four interwoven corner squares, forming a central square or diamond shape.
The Celtic Shield Knot has been used by the ancient Celts in their artwork and in their shields and armor, as a symbol of protection in battle. The knotwork design represents the interconnectedness of all things, and the four corners may represent the four elements, the four directions, or the four seasons.
The Sigil of Archangel Michael
The Sigil of Archangel Michael sigil is a symbol associated with the Archangel Michael, one of the most prominent figures in Abrahamic religions.
Archangel Michael is considered a protector and defender against evil, and is often depicted with a sword and shield. The sigil is used in various spiritual practices, such as prayer and meditation, and is believed to provide spiritual guidance and protection to those who use it.
The Dragon Eye
This sigil is a symbol that represents the power and wisdom of dragons in many cultures around the world. It is a circular design with a dragon’s eye at the center, often surrounded by scales or other dragon-like features.
The Dragon Eye is associated with the energy of the dragon and is used in meditation and spiritual practices to connect with the dragon’s power and wisdom. It is also used in popular culture, such as in fantasy literature and games, as a representation of dragons and their mythical qualities.
The Triskelion
This is a symbol that has been used by various cultures throughout history, including the ancient Greeks, Celts, and Norse. It consists of three interlocking spirals that form a circular pattern, with each spiral representing a different concept such as the past, present, and future or the physical, mental, and spiritual realms.
The Triskelion is associated with concepts such as progress, growth, and the interconnectedness of all things. It is also believed to have protective properties, and has been used as a talisman by various cultures throughout history.
The Eye of Horus
Are you ready to learn about the mystical Eye of Horus? This ancient symbol played a crucial role in Egyptian history, serving as a powerful talisman to safeguard the living and the deceased from malevolent forces. By carrying this sacred amulet, people could deflect curses, hexes, and even the envious gaze of others. But that’s not all – the Eye of Horus represents the profound themes of sacrifice and family, making it a symbol of deep significance to this day.
The Eye of Ra
The Eye of Ra is a significant symbol in ancient Egyptian culture that pays tribute to the Sun God, Ra. It was believed to be a powerful symbol that could subdue enemies, and was considered to be an extension of Ra himself. However, in modern interpretations, it is viewed as the feminine counterpart of Ra. This symbol is known to offer protection and promise of birth and nurturing in its creative form, while in its violent aspect, it is believed to ward off demons.
The Eye of Ra has been found carved on Egyptian coffins and has been cherished as a household talisman for centuries. Its dual promise has made it a symbol of deep significance to the people of Egypt. It represents the concept of duality in life and the ability to balance opposing forces. The Eye of Ra is a testament to the rich and complex history of ancient Egyptian culture and serves as a reminder of the powerful beliefs and symbolism that have been passed down through generations.
The Lotus Flower
The Lotus Flower is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and rebirth. It is a sacred flower in many cultures, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism, where it is associated with spiritual awakening and the journey towards enlightenment.
The Lotus Flower grows in muddy waters, but its petals remain clean and pure, representing the ability to rise above difficult circumstances and find enlightenment. The flower is also associated with the chakras, particularly the crown chakra, and is used in meditation practices to help balance and activate the energy centers.
The Egyptian Scarab
The Egyptian Scarab sigil is an ancient symbol that represents the dung beetle, which was highly revered in ancient Egypt. The beetle was seen as a symbol of rebirth and regeneration, as it was believed to roll balls of dung that contained its eggs, which eventually hatched into new beetles.
The Scarab sigil became a popular amulet in ancient Egypt, and it was often used in funerary practices to ensure a safe journey to the afterlife. The symbol is still widely recognized today and remains a popular motif in Egyptian-inspired jewelry and artwork. The Scarab sigil is a powerful reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the potential for rebirth and renewal.
The Eye of Providence
The Eye of Providence sigil, also known as the all-seeing eye, is a symbol that depicts an eye surrounded by rays of light or a halo. It has a long history, and has been used in various cultures throughout the world.
In Western culture, it is most commonly associated with Christianity and the belief in a divine, all-knowing, and all-seeing God. It is often depicted on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States, which is found on the one-dollar bill.
The Seal of Solomon
This symbol has a rich history and has been used in various cultures throughout the world, including Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. In Judaism, the symbol is associated with King Solomon and is believed to have been used by him to control demons and spirits.
In Islamic tradition, the Seal of Solomon is known as the “Seal of the Prophets” and is associated with the Prophet Muhammad. The symbol is still widely recognized today and remains a popular motif in jewelry and artwork.
The Valknut
The Valknut sigil is an ancient symbol that is composed of three interlocking triangles. It has been found in various archaeological sites throughout Northern Europe and is associated with Norse mythology and the god Odin.
The name “Valknut” comes from Old Norse, where “valr” means “slain warriors” and “knut” means “knot.” The symbol is believed to represent the afterlife and is often found on gravestones and other funerary objects. It represents the warrior spirit, the cycle of life, and the connection between the living and the dead.
The Black Sun
The Black Sun is often associated with Germanic paganism and various occult groups. It has been used in different contexts to represent different things, from the cycles of the sun to the concept of spiritual enlightenment. In some traditions, it is believed to have protective qualities, serving as a symbol of inner strength and resilience. However, it is also important to note that the Black Sun has been appropriated by far-right groups and is now associated with white supremacy and neo-Nazi ideology. It is crucial to understand the historical and cultural contexts of symbols before using or identifying with them.
The Thunderbolt
The Thunderbolt is a powerful symbol often associated with the gods of thunder and lightning, such as Zeus in Greek mythology and Indra in Hinduism. It is a symbol of power, strength, and sudden transformation. In some traditions, it is also believed to offer protection.
The Eight-Pointed Star
The Eight-Pointed Star is often associated with Venus, the Roman goddess of love, and represents harmony, balance, and cosmic order. In some traditions, it is also considered a symbol of protection, as it represents the eight compass points and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. The Eight-Pointed Star is also associated with the eight Sabbats in Wiccan traditions and is used in magical practices for protection and guidance.
The Caduceus
The Caduceus is an ancient symbol that features two entwined serpents wrapped around a staff, often depicted with wings at the top. It is commonly associated with the Greek god Hermes and is a symbol of commerce, trade, and negotiation. In modern times, the Caduceus is often used as a symbol of medicine and healing, mistakenly being used interchangeably with the Rod of Asclepius.
The Om Symbol
The Om symbol represents the connection between the divine and our earthly existence. It is often interpreted as the holy trinity of creation, preservation, and destruction, or the cycle of birth, life, and death. By chanting or meditating on the Om sound, we can tap into this divine energy and connect with the universe on a deeper level. This connection can enable us to open our third eye, leading to greater spiritual awareness and understanding. The positive impact of Om on our soul is believed to be profound, as it promotes inner peace, harmony, and healing.
The Adinkra Symbol
The Adinkra symbols represent different concepts and are often used in fabric designs, artwork, and clothing. Some of the Adinkra symbols are associated with protection. For example, the Gye Nyame symbol represents the supremacy of God and is often used as a talisman for spiritual protection, while the Akoma Ntoso symbol represents the power of love and forgiveness as a means of protection.
The Tau Cross
The Tau Cross sigil, also known as the Saint Anthony’s Cross, is a symbol that is often associated with protection and healing in Christian traditions. The cross resembles the letter “T” and is said to have been the symbol of the Egyptian god, Thoth, before being adopted by early Christians.
The Mystic Knot
The Mystic Knot sigil, also known as the endless knot or the lucky knot, is a symbol that is often associated with protection and good fortune. The knot is made up of interlocking loops without a beginning or an end, representing the interconnectedness of all things.
The Star and Crescent
This symbol is often associated with protection in Islamic cultures. The star and crescent symbolize the unity of faith and state, and are often used as emblems of Islamic nations. In mystical and spiritual practices, the Star and Crescent sigil is believed to offer protection and promote peace and harmony.
The Triple Moon
The Triple Moon sigil is a symbol that is often associated with protection in many mystical and spiritual practices. The symbol represents the three phases of the moon, waxing, full, and waning, and is often used in Wiccan and pagan practices. The Triple Moon sigil is believed to offer protection as well as promote balance and harmony in one’s life.
The Thunderbird
The Thunderbird sigil is a symbol that is often associated with protection in various indigenous cultures. The Thunderbird is a powerful and mythical bird that is believed to bring thunder and lightning with its wings, and is revered in many indigenous cultures as a symbol of strength and protection. The Thunderbird sigil is believed to offer protection as well as bring strength and courage to those who carry it.
The Yin Yang
The Yin Yang sigil is a symbol that represents the complementary and interconnected nature of the universe. The symbol consists of two halves, one white and one black, which symbolize the opposing yet harmonious forces of yin and yang.
The Yin Yang sigil is believed to offer protection and promote balance and harmony. It is thought that by embracing both the yin and yang energies within oneself, one can achieve a state of balance and harmony, which can in turn offer protection from negativity.
The Dharma Wheel
This is a symbol that represents the teachings of the Buddha and is often associated with protection. The wheel symbolizes the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and the Eightfold Path, which is the path to enlightenment in Buddhism.
The Dharma Wheel sigil is believed to offer protection against negative energies and influences, as well as guidance on the path to spiritual enlightenment.
The Bear Paw
The Bear Paw sigil is often associated with protection and strength. The bear is revered in many indigenous cultures as a powerful animal and a symbol of strength and protection. The Bear Paw sigil, therefore, represents these qualities and is believed to offer protection against harm and negative energies.
The Star of Bethlehem
The Star of Bethlehem sigil is a symbol associated with the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ. According to the story, the Star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky to guide the three wise men to the birthplace of Jesus. The Star of Bethlehem sigil is believed to have the power to protect against harm and evil. It is thought to offer guidance and direction, much like the star guided the wise men to their destination.
The Phoenix
The Phoenix sigil is not only associated with transformation and renewal but also with protection. In some mystical and spiritual practices, the Phoenix sigil is believed to have the power to protect against negative energies and entities.
It is thought that the Phoenix’s fiery nature can act as a shield against harm and negativity, making it a popular symbol for those seeking spiritual protection.
The Awen
The Awen sigil is a symbol used in Druidry to represent inspiration and the flow of creative energy. It consists of three rays or lines, which can be interpreted as representing male, female, protection and divine energies. The Awen is used for meditation and spellwork, and is also commonly found in Celtic art and jewelry.
The unicorn is a mythical creature with a single horn on its forehead. In many cultures, unicorns represent protection, purity, grace, and magic, and their image is used in various spiritual practices.
Mars Sign
The Mars sign is said to influence a person’s energy, passion, and drive, and is associated with the Roman god of war. Creating a personalized Mars sign sigil can be used for manifestation, meditation, and personal empowerment.
The Chinese dragon is seen as a symbol of protection, power, strength, and good luck. It is often depicted in traditional Chinese art and is used in various spiritual practices, including feng shui. The use of a Chinese dragon sigil may also represent a personal connection or affinity with Chinese culture and its symbolism.
A turtle sigil is a symbol that represents the turtle as a spirit animal. It is believed to bring protection, wisdom, and longevity to those who have it as a totem. The turtle is associated with calm, stability, and adaptability, making it a powerful and meaningful animal for many cultures around the world.